What is CCHE?
We are a support group of homeschooling families who join together to provide opportunities and activities for our children. We do this through support meetings, enrichment classes (co-op) and many special events such as field trips, science fairs, geography fairs, graduation ceremonies and sports programs to name a few.

Who can participate?
We are open to all homeschoolers in south central Kentucky. We do have a statement of faith and code of conduct that must be agreed upon and signed. We also require that all members comply with the Kentucky laws for homeschooling and must have a copy of the receipt that you sent in your letter of intent. Additionally, we require all of our members maintain a membership with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association).

Conflict Resolution
From time to time misunderstandings or hurt feelings can arise between members. When
a conflict arises between you and another member, we require members to follow Biblical outlines. Be slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1:19), willing to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11)pray before you speak or act (Ephesians 6:18). Matthew 18 outlines a fine pattern for conflict resolution and CCHE follows that process. Seek to speak to the person you have conflict with first. If a problem is still not settled, seek counsel from leadership. In most cases, disagreements are just that: disagreements.

Moving on is usually the best course of action. Strive to be peacemakers